Category: Innlandet

Elverum church

In the curch of Elverum you can see the tetragrammaton at the top of the altarpiece.

Hov kirke, Søndre Land

Hov church is a church from 1781 CE. It is located in the municipality of Søndre Land, in the county of Oppland. Here God’s name is...

Vestre Slidre

The church of Vestre Slidre has a large altarpiece with the tetragrammaton YHWH, and the year 1797 written on it.


At the church in Sør-Fron (dated to 1787), you can find God’s name written two places. Above the entrance it is written “Iehova” in Latin, and...

Brandval, Kongsvinger

The church of Brandval, nearby Kongsvinger, has an altarpiece with the letters YHWH, written in Hebrew, on the uppermost part of the altarpiece.